Building Expansion

The Future of Hope Fellowship Site

PSALM 48:12-14

Walk about Zion, go around her, number her towers, consider well her ramparts, go through her citadels, that you may tell the NEXT generation that this is God, our God forever and ever. He will guide us forever.


We are faithfully trusting God with what's next for our church.  As a body we voted to move forward with the facility expansion and we now have the opportunity to step out in faith and see how God uses his people to do amazing things for His kingdom. 


This layout shows the current parking lot and building with the front lobby addition.  The lobby is a great addition as we value fellowship with one another.  We added the necessary classrooms and space to our children's wing which required the use of our existing fellowship space. With that gone, adding the lobby was pivotal so we would have another space for large gatherings. 


In the interior floor plan you will notice lots of new classrooms have been added to accommodate the continued growth. We put Bible teaching as a high priority as well as children's safety. We added checkpoints to ensure a safe space for all children and students to learn.  Also, many adult classrooms have been added for life groups and Bible teaching.   


This is only a concept, not a real plan. This simply shows how large our property would allow us to grow if the land sale is necessary. This seven acre design would accommodate a church of 1600 people with two services. God has blessed us to continue taking next steps with His guidance. 


Pledge Campaign Information

Amount Received
Amount Pledged
Pledge Goal
We are thrilled with the pledge campaign results, and we consider ourselves on a great pace to be able to complete the entire project because…
1. There are some who have yet to pledge.
2. There are some who will give without pledging.
3. There are strong possibilities that we will not need the total of $2,000,000 to complete the project.

Full Expansion Cost Plan

The total cost of the project is $3,850,000. The vote approved three avenues of funding: donations, a construction loan, and a sale of up to three acres of land. The plan for raising that money can be seen in the table below:
Construction Loan
$1,000,000 or higher
Land Sale
$900,000 - $1,500,000
As you can see, there are uncertainties on the exact path moving forward. The loan amount is limited to our operating budget per the vote in March and also by interest rates. We have been given a range of possibilities for the land sale, but all of that is contingent on a buyer. Donations should exceed current pledge numbers, but by how much is still to be determined.
We have lots of confidence in the Lord’s leading to this point. We ask that you begin to pray for a good buyer for the land (good price, good neighbor).

Potential Timeline

As we get better dates, we will update the timeline. From beginning to end, the path looks like this…
1. Finish engineering (completed around Sep-Oct 2024)
2. Secure construction loan (completed Fall-Winter 2024)
3. Begin work
a. Work is divided into nine sub-projects that have differing costs.
b. This will allow us to improve areas of the church as money comes in, and not have to wait for the entire amount to begin.
c. The timeline for which area is worked on first is still to be determined.
4. Sell the land (completed by Summer 2025, hopefully!)

Personal Note

As we work on this project over the next few years, we will do our best to communicate all the changes with the congregation. Please give the Elders, Trustees, Staff, and Facility Expansion Team grace and patience as we will inevitably find ourselves inconvenienced in various ways by this project.

            Also, try to keep the right perspective. Isn’t it fantastic that God has given us the opportunity to see his work up close? We get to sacrifice for king Jesus as we give up our comfort for his glory!

Pledge Information

Is God leading you to make a pledge to the campaign? If so, please contact Greg Kidd at [email protected] for more information.
We will continue to update this page as we move through the process of Building Expansion.


I vote to proceed with the facility expansion project as outlined to the congregation in informational meetings held in February-March of 2024, with the project timing dependent on the availability of funds. This vote includes authorization for church leadership to:
•Spend up to $3.9 Million on the project
•Incur debt to finance the construction phase of the project
•Sell, if needed to finance the project, up to 3 acres of land adjacent to Lake Road Offices.
•Limit facility cost (operations + mortgage) to less than 33% than annual operating budget



The Osbornes

The Johnsons