How it all started...
Hope Fellowship, formerly known as First Evangelical Free Church of Lake Jackson, began in October 1984 when some dedicated people decided to form a new evangelical church in the Lake Jackson area. The first meeting of what would become the church took place on August 18, 1985 with nine adults and eight children. The church was formally recognized by the South Central District of the Evangelical Free Church on October 26, 1985 and called Lewis Wimberley to be its first pastor.
The church moved from meeting in homes, to meeting at the A.P. Beutal Elementary School, to a rented facility in the Brazosport Village Shopping Center, and then finally in October 1999 to its present facility at the corner of Lake Road and This Way. At the time of the move to the present facility the church also changed its name to Hope Fellowship.
The church moved from meeting in homes, to meeting at the A.P. Beutal Elementary School, to a rented facility in the Brazosport Village Shopping Center, and then finally in October 1999 to its present facility at the corner of Lake Road and This Way. At the time of the move to the present facility the church also changed its name to Hope Fellowship.
After Pastor Wimberley resigned in April 1994, the church called Kent Krakowian of Titus Task Force as its interim pastor. Under his ministry the Interim leadership Team led the church to define its present vision and values, as well as establishing a new disciple-making structure and bylaws.
In June 1996 Mark Swirsky came to the church as the new pastor. After a year in the present facility the church finished out three new Children's Sunday School rooms and in 2001 the church added 65 additional parking spaces. A new education wing was added in 2006.
Over the next 13 years the church had several remodeling projects done to our classrooms and Worship Center as well as added a Community Center where people can gather for coffee and conversation. In 2019 Mark Swirsky retired after helping the church through a 5 year transition leading to Brian Bish taking over as Head Pastor.
In June 1996 Mark Swirsky came to the church as the new pastor. After a year in the present facility the church finished out three new Children's Sunday School rooms and in 2001 the church added 65 additional parking spaces. A new education wing was added in 2006.
Over the next 13 years the church had several remodeling projects done to our classrooms and Worship Center as well as added a Community Center where people can gather for coffee and conversation. In 2019 Mark Swirsky retired after helping the church through a 5 year transition leading to Brian Bish taking over as Head Pastor.

Expanding the vision...
Hope Fellowships core goal is to see the Kingdom of God expand throughout our community and ultimately throughout the world. Our love of people has given us a drive to share the love of Jesus with everyone in hope that His Truth will transform them. We are excited to do the work of the Lord and serve people.
Where we are headed...
We strive to deliver the Gospel at every turn so that all will have an opportunity to hear the amazing Truth of the Lord. We hope to see our community serving together to reach the lost and help those less fortunate. As we grow as a church we are constantly reminded by the word of God that it isn't about only bringing people in to hear, but encouraging them into action and sending them out, whether that be through missions or church planting. We want to see everyone share the Gospel wherever God leads them.

Evangelical Free Church of America
The growing ministry of the EFCA currently extends to some 40 countries of the world. The great heritage of the Evangelical Free Church people around the world includes the fact that fellowship and ministry opportunities in the local church are based solely on one's personal faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, trusting in Him alone for salvation. Membership requires commitment to sound doctrine as expressed in our Statement of Faith. However, a person is not excluded from membership because he or she does not agree on every fine point of doctrine.
Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together with classes at 9:30 am and worship at 10:50 am.