God Uses Change To Make You Like Christ
Every person on earth will have trials. It is a reality of being human on fallen planet earth. We believers have the blessing of having our God to guide us through the trials, and if we choose to seek God's word for meaning in the times of trial, for His instruction about our mind-set, and the purpose of it, we can better endure and learn during the hard times. God always has His loving purpose for us to teach, correct, encourage us , or discipline us when we are given a thorn in the flesh experience.Dr.
Howard Hendricks, former professor at Dallas Theological Seminary, now with the Lord, used to say, 'God is not out to shaft you'. Pastor Mark presented numerous scriptures that reveal God's purpose in allowing trials in our lives. He pointed out that Jesus had terrible trials. When Jesus was in heaven He could not have experienced the suffering that is on the earth. In Hebrews 2, 9-10, 17-18, Hebrews 5:7-10, it is clearly stated that Jesus had to have these trials so He could become our High Priest.